What is urinary leakage?

Conditions We Treat

What is urinary leakage?

It is common to experience urinary incontinence, or loss of bladder control. It can be as simple as leaking urine when you cough or sneeze, to being so strong that you have to go to the toilet every few minutes. Although it is more common as we age, urinary incontinence doesn’t necessarily occur. Who is a good candidate to receive the O shot? Stress incontinence is a condition that causes urine leakage from movement, cough, and exercise. Urge incontinence is a condition where urine leakage occurs when bladder muscles contract at inappropriate times. Dyspareunia (painful sex). Difficulty in orgasms.

What causes urinary incontinence?

* Stress incontinence. When you put pressure on your bladder, such as by laughing, coughing, exercising, or lifting heavy objects, urine leaks.
* Urge incontinence. A sudden urge to urinate is followed by involuntary loss. Urination may be required frequently, even during the night. You may experience urge incontinence due to a minor condition like infection or a more serious condition such as diabetes or neurological disorders.
* Overflowing incontinence. A bladder that isn’t completely emptyed causes frequent or constant dribbling.
* Functional incontinence. * Functional incontinence is a condition that prevents you from getting to the toilet on time. You may have difficulty unbuttoning your pants if you have severe arthritis.
* Mixed incontinence. There are many types of urinary incontinence. Most often, this is a combination of urge and stress incontinence.

Some women may find that becoming aroused and enjoying sex is increasingly difficult due to a variety of factors. Regaining vaginal sensation and an enjoyable sex life is possible with The O-Shot®

The O-Shot uses Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) which is extracted from the patient’s own blood and injected into the clitoris and the anterior vaginal wall, proximal to the G-spot. The O-Shot adds volume to the treated area, in turn increasing sensation and sensitivity. Injections are quick and virtually pain-free, if any, due to the area being numbed prior to the injections.

PRP treatments have proven to be effective in creating a fuller, younger-looking appearance in other areas of the body such as the face. As PRP for facial rejuvenation (also known as the Vampire Facelift®) became increasingly popular, it expanded into other, more intimate areas – creating The O-Shot.

The O-Shot is for women of all ages who suffer from dull vaginal sensation, vaginal looseness due to age or childbirth, women who have never had an orgasm and women looking to improve sensation during sex. The O-Shot can also help with urinary incontinence and women suffering from common sexual disorders.

Because The O-Shot utilizes Platelet-Rich Plasma from a person’s own blood and is not a chemical or synthetic substance, it is completely safe.

What are the available treatments:

The O-Shot® can improve urinary incontinence, returning your urinary control. It treats stress incontinence as well as an overactive bladder. The O-Shot® heightens arousal from clitoral stimulation, which can help you on your way to stronger and more frequent orgasms. Another potential benefit is smoother and younger-looking skin around the vulva. How Long Does It Take to Work? The O-Shot® benefits begin immediately and improve over the following few weeks. The plasma activates your own stem cells which will begin to rejuvenate and restore your vaginal tissue as soon as the treatment is complete.

O-Shot – Treatable Conditions

  • Increase sexual desire, arousal and libido
  • Tighten the vaginal opening
  • Decrease painful intercourse
  • Create stronger and more frequent orgasms
  • Increase ability for vaginal orgasms
  • Increase vaginal lubrication
  • Decrease urinary incontinence
  • Women experiencing sexual disorders such as: Dyspareunia, Female Orgasmic Disorder, Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder and Female Sexual Arousal Disorder